package handlers import ( "" p "" "" "" ) func GetFriendList(c *fiber.Ctx) error { person := c.Locals("person").(*p.Person) result := map[string]aid.JSON{} for _, partial := range storage.Repo.GetFriendsForPerson(person.ID) { friend := person.GetFriend(partial.ID) if friend == nil { continue } result[partial.ID] = friend.GenerateFriendResponse() } response := []aid.JSON{} for _, friend := range result { response = append(response, friend) } return c.Status(200).JSON(response) } func PostCreateFriend(c *fiber.Ctx) error { person := c.Locals("person").(*p.Person) wanted := c.Params("wanted") existing := person.GetFriend(wanted) if existing != nil && (existing.Direction == "BOTH" || existing.Direction == "OUTGOING") { return c.Status(400).JSON(aid.ErrorBadRequest("already active friend request")) } person.AddFriend(wanted) // send xmpp message to disply a popup return c.SendStatus(204) } func DeleteFriend(c *fiber.Ctx) error { person := c.Locals("person").(*p.Person) wanted := c.Params("wanted") existing := person.GetFriend(wanted) if existing == nil { return c.Status(400).JSON(aid.ErrorBadRequest("not friends")) } existing.Person.RemoveFriend(wanted) person.RemoveFriend(wanted) // send xmpp message to disply a popup return c.SendStatus(204) } func GetFriendListSummary(c *fiber.Ctx) error { person := c.Locals("person").(*p.Person) all := map[string]*p.Friend{} for _, partial := range storage.Repo.GetFriendsForPerson(person.ID) { friend := person.GetFriend(partial.ID) if friend == nil { continue } all[partial.ID] = friend } result := aid.JSON{ "friends": []aid.JSON{}, "incoming": []aid.JSON{}, "outgoing": []aid.JSON{}, "settings": aid.JSON{ "acceptInvites": "public", }, } for _, friend := range all { switch friend.Status { case "ACCEPTED": result["friends"] = append(result["friends"].([]aid.JSON), friend.GenerateSummaryResponse()) case "PENDING": switch friend.Direction { case "INCOMING": result["incoming"] = append(result["incoming"].([]aid.JSON), friend.GenerateSummaryResponse()) case "OUTGOING": result["outgoing"] = append(result["outgoing"].([]aid.JSON), friend.GenerateSummaryResponse()) } } } return c.Status(200).JSON(result) } func GetPersonSearch(c *fiber.Ctx) error { query := c.Query("prefix") matches := storage.Repo.GetPersonsByPartialDisplayFromDB(query) if matches == nil { return c.Status(200).JSON([]aid.JSON{}) } result := []aid.JSON{} for i, match := range matches { result = append(result, aid.JSON{ "accountId": match.ID, "epicMutuals": 0, "sortPosition": i, "matchType": "prefix", "matches": []aid.JSON{{ "value": match.DisplayName, "matchType": "prefix", }}, }) } return c.Status(200).JSON(result) }