- **Single File** It will embed all of the external files inside of one executable! This allows the backend to be ran anywhere with no setup _(after initial config)_!
- **Blazingly Fast** Written in Go and built upon Fast HTTP, it is extremely fast and can handle any profile action in milliseconds with its caching system.
- **Production Ready** Optimised and tested to be ran in production environments. It is also possible to run multiple instances of the backend to scale it horizontally.
- **_Chapter 1 Season 4_** `Fortnite+Release-4.5-CL-4159770-Windows` I cannot get JWT Tokens to correctly work. I need to supply a key id header for the JWT Token to work however I cannot find the proper kids. If you know how to get the kid from the game please open an issue or pull request.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or pull request if you would like to contribute. Make sure to follow the same format (2 space indents) and style! Make sure to keep commits concise and readable e.g. do not change formating to mess up code review!