- **Blazing Fast** Written in Go and build on Fast HTTP, snow is extremely fast and can handle any profile action in milliseconds with its caching system.
- **Profile Changes** Snow, semi-automatically, keeps track of profile changes exactly like Fortnite does, meaning it is one-to-one with the game.
- **Universal Database** Easily add new storage methods that satisfy the `Storage` interface. This means you can use any database you want. _(example of how to do this coming soon)_
- Authentication for the game to determine if the person is valid or not. Fortnite uses JWT tokens for this which makes it easy to implement.
- Every endpoint that is used by Fortnite. This includes all MCP Operations and even extracting data from the telemetry.
- Embed game assets into the backend e.g. Battle Pass, Quest Data etc. _This would mean a single binary that can be run anywhere without the need of external files._
- Interact with external Services like Amazon S3 Buckets to save player data externally.
- A way to interact with accounts outside of the game. This is mainly for a web app and other services to interact with the backend.
## Known Supported Versions
- **_Chapter 1 Season 2_** `Fortnite+Release-2.5-CL-3889387-Windows` I started with this build of the game as it requires more work to get working, this means snow can support _most_ versions of the game.
## How do I use this?
It is _technically_ possible to clone the repository and host the backend. However, this is in a very early stage and does not have a lot of features. _For example, you cannot create an account externally._**I would recommend waiting until the backend is more stable and has more features before using it.**